2nd Annual SEX! (now that I have your attention) Blogathon – Day 2 Recap

Apparently, everyone was drenched in afterglow from the first day of our blogathon, because we received only two entries today. Hopefully, things will pick up tomorrow for the finale. In the meantime, we invite you to come hither and enjoy


If you missed the first day’s entries, click here: Day 1 Recap. And now, here are today’s sex-symbol bloggers. (Click on the blogs’ names to link to their blogathon entries.)


Love Letters to Old Hollywood examines the intricate intimacy between Grace Kelly and Cary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock’s To Catch a Thief.


And Reelweegiemidget examines what happens when friends become lovers in Rob Reiner’s When Harry Met Sally.

Come back to this blog, because we supposedly still have nine bloggers left to submit their entries for the last day! Raquel, would you please drop your arm to signal the race to the finish? Raquel? No, no, the other arm…

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6 responses to “2nd Annual SEX! (now that I have your attention) Blogathon – Day 2 Recap

  1. Pingback: Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957) :: Flickers in TimeFlickers in Time

  2. Hi Steve,

    I beg your pardon for not getting my piece in on time (secondsightcinema.com / The Ghost and Mrs Muir). Will you be posting a recap today or have I totally missed the boat? (I left a comment last night but it seems to have disappeared; weird, that’s what it is, weird…)


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